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第一条 为维护中华人民共和国国家主权和权益,合理开发利用海洋,有秩序地铺设和保护海底电缆、管道,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于在中华人民共和国内海、领海及大陆架上铺设海底电缆、管道以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测及其他有关活动。
第三条 在中华人民共和国内海、领海及大陆架上铺设海底电缆、管道以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测及其他有关活动的主管机关是中华人民共和国国家海洋局(以下简称主管机关)。
第四条 中国的企业、事业单位铺设海底电缆、管道,经其上级业务主管部门审批同意后,为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测等活动,依照本规定执行。
第五条 海底电缆、管道所有者(以下简称所有者),须在为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测实施60天前,向主管机关提出书面申请。申请书应当包括以下内容:
第六条 海底电缆、管道路由调查、勘测完成后,所有者应当在计划铺设施工60天前,将最后确定的海底电缆、管道路由报主管机关审批,并附具以下资料:
第七条 铺设施工完毕后,所有者应当将海底电缆、管道的路线图、位置表等说明资料报送主管机关备案,并抄送港监机关。
第八条 海底电缆、管道的铺设和为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动,不得在获准作业区域以外的海域作业,也不得在获准区域内进行未经批准的作业。
第九条 获准施工的海底电缆、管道在施工前或施工中如需变动,所有者应当及时向主管机关报告。如该项变动重大,主管机关可采取相应措施,直至责令其停止施工。
第十条 海底电缆、管道的维修、改造、拆除和废弃,所有者应当提前向主管机关报告。路由变动较大的改造,依照本规定重新办理有关手续。
第十一条 海底电缆、管道的路由调查、勘测和铺设、维修、拆除等施工作业,不得妨害海上正常秩序。
第十二条 铺设诲底电缆、管道及其他海上作业,需要移动已铺设的海底电缆、管道时,应当先与所有者协商,并经主管机关批准后方可施工。
第十三条 从事海上各种活动的作业者,必须保护已铺设的海底电缆、管道。造成损害的应当依法赔偿。
第十四条 主管机关有权对海底电缆、管道的铺设、维修、改造、拆除、废弃以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动进行监督和检查。对违反本规定的,主管机关可处以警告、罚款直至责令其停止海上作业。
第十五条 为海洋石油开发所铺设的超出石油开发区的海底电缆、管道的路由,应当在油(气)田总体开发方案审批前报主管机关,由主管机关商国家能源主管部门批准。
第十六条 铺设、维修、改造、拆除、废弃海底电缆、管道以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动,本规定未作规定的,适用国家其他有关法律、法规的规定。
第十七条 中华人民共和国军用海底电缆、管道的铺设依照本规定执行。军队可以制定具体实施办法。
第十八条 主管机关应当收集海底地形、海上构筑物分布等方面的资料,为海底电缆、管道的铺设及其调查、勘测活动提供咨询服务。
第十九条 本规定中的“电缆”系指通信电缆及电力电缆;“管道”系指输水、输气、输油及输送其他物质的管状输送设施。
第二十条 本规定由中华人民共和国国家海洋局负责解释。
第二十一条 本规定自1989年3月1日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Adopted by the 32nd Executive Meeting of the State Council on
January 20, 1989, promulgated by Decree No. 27 of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China on February 11, 1989, and effective as of March
1, 1989)
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated in order to safeguard the sovereignty and
the rights and interests of the People's Republic of China, to carry out
rational exploitation of seas and oceans, and to lay in an orderly way and
protect submarine cables and pipelines.
Article 2
These Provisions shall apply to the laying of submarine cables and
pipelines in such areas as inland seas, territorial seas and continental
shelves under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, and also
to the investigations and survey of routes and other relevant activities
conducted for the aforesaid engineering projects.
Article 3
The competent authorities for the administration of the laying of
submarine cables and pipelines in such areas as the said inland seas,
territorial seas and continental shelves, and also for the investigations
and survey of routes and other relevant activities for the aforesaid
engineering projects, shall be the State Oceanographic Bureau of the
People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the competent
Article 4
When China's enterprises or institutions plan to lay submarine cables and
pipelines, they shall file an application with their superior authorities
for examination and approval before they conduct investigations and survey
of routes and other relevant activities for the aforesaid engineering
projects in accordance with these Provisions. When foreign companies,
enterprises and other foreign economic organizations or individuals have
the necessity to lay submarine cables and pipelines, and also to conduct
investigations and survey of routes and other relevant activities for the
aforesaid engineering projects in the inland seas and territorial seas of
the People's Republic of China, they shall, in accordance with these
Provisions, apply to the competent authorities for approval; if they have
the necessity to carry out the said activities on the continental shelves
of the People's Republic of China, they shall notify the competent
authorities in advance, but the routes they have selected and decided on
for laying the cables and pipelines must have the consent of the competent
Article 5
The owners of the submarine cables and pipelines (hereinafter referred to
as "the owners") shall file a written application with the competent
authorities 60 days before they start the investigations and survey of
routes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines. The written
application shall contain the following:
(1) the name, nationality, and residence of the owner;
(2) the name, nationality, and residence as well as the chief person-in-
charge of the unit which will conduct the investigations and survey of the
routes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines;
(3) the precise geographical areas in which the investigations and survey
are to be conducted for laying the submarine cables and pipelines;
(4) the time, the items, methods and equipment - including the ship to be
used: its name, nationality, tonnage, and major pieces of equipment and
their functions - for conducting the investigations and survey of routes
for laying the submarine cables and pipelines.
The competent authorities shall make a reply within 30 days as of the date
of receipt of the application.
Article 6
After the investigations and survey for laying the submarine cables and
pipelines have been completed, the owners shall submit a report,
delineating the final decision on the routes for laying the submarine
cables and pipelines 60 days before the laying project is started, to the
competent authorities for examination and approval, and the report shall
be submitted together with the following data:
(1) the purposes of laying the submarine cables and pipelines, the
materials to be used and their properties;
(2) the precious route chart and position chart of the submarine cables
and pipelines, their starting point and terminal point, their relay points
(stations) and their total length;
(3) the construction contractor, time and plan for construction, and
technical equipment;
(4) a report on the repercussions of the cable-and pipeline-laying
engineering project on marine resources and environment;
(5) other explanatory data.
The competent authorities shall make a reply within 30 days as of the date
of receipt of the application.
Article 7
After the completion of the engineering project, the owners shall submit
all the explanatory data, such as the route chart and position chart of
the submarine cables and pipelines, to the competent authorities for the
record, and send duplicates to the harbour superintendence organs.
When the State needs the relevant technical data for the exploitation of
marine resources or for carrying out administration, the owners have the
obligations to provide the competent authorities with further precise data
concerning the submarine cables and pipelines.
Article 8
The operations of laying submarine cables and pipelines and the
investigations and surveying activities for the cable-and pipeline-laying
engineering project shall not conducted beyond the approved sea areas; nor
shall operations and activities other than these approved be conducted in
the approved sea areas.
Article 9
In the event that changes or modifications in the approved operation plan
for laying the submarine cables and pipelines are required before the
operations start or during the operations, the owners shall report the
case to the competent authorities in good time. If the changes or
modifications are of sizable proportions, the competent authorities may
take appropriate measures accordingly, up to ordering the owners to cease
the operations.
Article 10
With respect to such operations as maintenance, alteration, dismantling,
or abandonment of the submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall
submit a report on the said operations to the competent authorities in
advance. If a relatively big change is to be effected in the routes of the
submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall go through the relevant
procedures of application once again.
When foreign vessels have the necessity to enter China's inland seas and
territorial seas to carry out activities in the maintenance, alteration,
or dismantling of submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall, in
addition to going through the procedures as prescribed in the first
paragraph of this Article, submit an application to the administrative
department concerned in China for approval, in accordance with the
pertinent provisions of China's laws.
When the damaged submarine cables and pipelines laid on China's
continental shelves need emergency repairs, foreign maintenance vessels
may enter the site to start the emergency repairs simultaneously with a
report submitted to the competent authorities. However the said operations
shall not impair China's sovereign rights and jurisdiction.
Article 11
Operations such as the investigations and surveying activities for
identifying the routes for laying submarine cables and pipelines, the
laying, maintenance, and dismantling, must not hamper the normal order of
marine navigation and transportation. The bits and pieces left over from
the engineering project of laying submarine cables and pipelines and from
the dismantling project shall be disposed of carefully and must not hamper
the normal order of marine navigation and transportation.
Article 12
When the laying of submarine cables and pipelines and other marine
engineering operations require that those submarine cables and pipelines
already laid be moved, prior consultations must be conducted with the
owners of the aforesaid installations and an approval must be obtained
from the competent authorities before the said engineering project starts.
Article 13
Operators who are engaged in various activities at sea must protect the
submarine cables and pipelines that have already been laid. Those who have
caused damages to the said installations shall make compensations
according to law.
In the event that disputes arise over the exploitation of the seas and
oceans and the normal functioning of submarine cables and pipelines, the
disputes shall be mediated and handled by the competent authorities.
Article 14
The competent authorities shall have the power to supervise and inspect
the laying, maintenance, alteration, dismantling and abandonment of
submarine cables and pipelines as well as the relevant investigations and
surveying activities conducted for the laying of submarine cables and
pipelines. The competent authorities may impose on violators of these
Provisions such penalties as warning, fine, up to an order to cease their
operations at sea.
The specific measures for imposing the penalties as mentioned in the
preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the competent authorities in
conjunction with other competent authorities concerned under the State
Article 15
The plan for determining the routes for laying submarine cables and
pipelines beyond the petroleum exploitation zones in order to exploit
marine petroleum resources shall be submitted to the competent authorities
prior to the examination and approval of the overall plan for the
exploitation of oil (and gas) fields; and the competent authorities shall
give approval after consultation with the competent state authorities for
energy resources.
With respect to the laying of submarine cables and pipelines within the
marine petroleum development zones between the drilling platforms or
between drilling platforms and single berthing points, the owners shall,
before the start of the investigations and survey of routes for the laying
of submarine cables and pipelines and the start of cable-and pipeline-
laying operations, submit a report specifying the contents as provided in
Article 5 and Article 6 of these Provisions to the competent authorities
for the record.
Article 16
With respect to the operational activities such as laying, maintenance,
alteration, dismantling and abandonment of submarine cables and pipelines,
as well as the investigations and surveying activities conducted for
identifying the routes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines, in
case there are any aspects which are not covered in these Provisions, the
Provisions in other relevant State laws, decrees and regulations shall
Article 17
The laying of submarine cables and pipelines for military purposes in the
People's Republic of China shall be handled in accordance with these
Provisions. The armed forces may formulate specific rules for the
implementation of these Provisions.
Article 18
The competent authorities shall collect data concerning submarine
topography and the distribution of structures at sea in order to offer
consultancy services for laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and for
conducting relevant investigations and surveying activities.
Article 19
The term "cables", as used in these Provisions, refers to communications
cables and electric cables; the term "pipelines" refers to the pipe-shaped
conveying and transporting installations used for conveyance of water,
gas, oil and other substances.
Article 20
The right to interpret these Provisions resides in the State Oceanographic
Bureau of the People's Republic of China.
Article 21
These Provisions shall go into effect on March 1, 1989.






  第一章 总  则

  第一条 为加强水资源的保护和管理,实现水资源可持续利用,保护生态平衡,促进阿坝藏族羌族自治州(以下简称自治州)经济的发展,根据《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》、《中华人民共和国水法》、《四川省〈中华人民共和国水法〉实施办法》、《阿坝藏族羌族自治州自治条例》,结合自治州实际,制定本条例。

  第二条 在自治州辖区内涵养保护、节约、规划管理、开发利用水资源,防治水害,适用本条例。


  第三条  水资源属国家所有。自治州人民政府依照法律规定管理和保护辖区内的水资源,按照统一规划原则,实行取水许可制度和有偿使用制度。鼓励公民、法人或者其他组织依法保护、管理、开发、利用、节约水资源,其合法利益受法律保护。



  第四条 州、县人民政府应当加强水资源保护、管理、节约、利用和开发工作,将其纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,增加财政投入,加强水利基础设施建设,改善生态,保护环境,确保出境水质达标。

  第五条 州、县水行政主管部门负责水资源的规划、保护、管理、开发、利用、节约和监督工作;有关部门应当按照各自的职责,依法做好相关工作。

  第六条 任何公民、法人或者其他组织都有保护水资源、节约用水的义务。州、县人民政府应当采取有效措施,加强对节约用水的宣传、管理,逐步完善节水措施,培育和发展节水产业。

  第二章 水资源规划和保护

  第七条 自治州水资源综合规划及跨县的江河、湖泊的区域、流域规划在上级水行政主管部门的指导下,由州水行政主管部门组织编制,经州人民政府批准,报上级水行政主管部门备案。县级综合规划应服从州级规划,由县水行政主管部门组织编制,经县人民政府批准,报州水行政主管部门备案。



  第八条 州人民政府建立饮用水水源保护区制度。自治州辖区内的饮用水水源保护区,由州人民政府依法划定,并采取措施,加强水源源头和水源地的保护,加快生态公益林建设,保护好自然植被和湿地,涵养水源,防治水土流失。


  第三章 水资源管理和开发利用

  第九条 开发利用地表水,应当维持江河的合理流量和湖泊、水库的合理水位,维护水体的自然净化能力,按规定预留生态水,防止对生态、环境造成破坏。



  第十条 直接从自治州辖区内的江河、湖泊、地下调度和取用水资源的公民、法人或者其他组织,应当向水行政主管部门申请取水许可,取得取水权,依法缴纳水资源费。凡实行计量取水的必须安装计量设施。









  第十一条 在自治州辖区内直接从江河、湖泊、地下调度和取用水资源并需要申请取水许可的新建、扩建、改建的项目,建设单位或者个人应当在办理取水许可申请前,向水行政主管部门提交建设项目水资源论证报告书。未提交的,水行政主管部门不得受理取水许可申请。



  第十二条 取、用水涉及第三方利益的,水行政主管部门应当在收到取水许可申请之日起七个工作日内向社会公告。第三方对取水许可申请有异议的,应当在公告后十个工作日内向公告机关提出。

  第十三条  州、县人民政府在管理权限内应当按照市场化配置资源的方式公开出让水能资源开发权。获得水资源开发权的公民、法人或者其他组织应当向水行政主管部门缴纳水资源补偿费。



  第十四条 自治州对辖区内调度、取用地表水、地下水,依法征收的水资源费和对水电站装机二十五万千瓦及其以下征收的水资源费除上缴中央部分外,其余全部专项用于自治州水资源的涵养保护、节约、规划管理和开发利用,并由同级财政监督使用。



  第十五条 在河道管理范围建设桥梁和其他拦河、临河建筑物、构筑物,铺设跨河管道、电缆,应当符合国家规定的防洪标准、安全泄洪和其他有关的技术要求,工程建设方案应当按照防洪法的有关规定报经有管辖权的水行政主管部门审查同意。


  第十六条 在河道管理范围内依法实行采砂、采石、取土、淘金许可制度。进行采砂、石活动的公民、法人或者其他组织,必须依法取得河道砂、石开采权,向有管辖权的水行政主管部门申请办理采砂、石许可证,缴纳河道砂、石资源费(当地居民的自住房屋修缮所需的砂石除外);河道内淘金,还应当向有管辖权的矿产主管部门办理采矿许可证,缴纳矿产资源补偿费和采矿权价款。

  第十七条 任何单位排放的废水、城乡居民生活污水,应按照排污规定进行处理,未达标的不得直接排入水域。



  第十八条 在自治州辖区内进行流域治理以及新建、改建、扩建涉水工程项目,应当符合水资源综合规划和专业规划,按照分级管理权限,经州或者县水行政主管部门审查同意后,按国家规定的基本建设程序报批。

  第四章 监督检查

  第十九条 州、县水行政主管部门应当建立水政监督检查制度,对违反水法律、法规的行为加强监督检查并依法进行查处。

  第二十条 水政监督检查人员在履行监督检查职责时,依法行使调查取证权、现场检查权、制止权及水事纠纷调处权。

  第二十一条 州水行政主管部门应当加强对本部门行政执法活动的监督检查。对有违法或者失职行为的,应当责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,应当依法追究有关责任人的行政责任。


  第五章 法律责任

  第二十二条 州、县水行政主管部门对未依法办理取水许可或者未按照批准的取水条件进行取水设施建设的,应当责令其停止建设;对拒不停止,继续施工的,可以查封、暂扣用于施工的取水工具、取水设施。




  第二十三条  利用水域从事旅游开发或者养殖活动,违反水功能区划要求、影响行洪安全的,按照分级管理权限由水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施,并根据实际危害程度追加经济补偿。拒不执行的,处一万元以上五万元以下罚款。

  第二十四条 不按规定预留生态水的,由水行政主管部门责令限期改正,并征收二万元以上十万元以下生态补偿费。仍未改正的,责令停止违法行为,加倍征收生态补偿费。

  第二十五条 违反本条例规定,拒不缴纳、拖延缴纳或者拖欠水资源费、水资源补偿费、生态补偿费的,由水行政主管部门责令限期缴纳;逾期仍不缴纳的,从滞纳之日起加收滞纳部分每日千分之二的滞纳金,并处应缴或者补缴费用一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。

  第二十六条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,也可以向人民法院提起行政诉讼。逾期不申请复议、不起诉也不履行的,由作出行政处罚的行政机关向人民法院申请强制执行。

  第二十七条 违反本条例其他规定的按《中华人民共和国水法》、《中华人民共和国防洪法》、《四川省〈中华人民共和国水法〉实施办法》执行。

  第六章 附  则

  第二十八条 本条例自公布之日起施行。
